Running A Business On Your Own Can Be Lonely

You have lots to do as you often end up delivering your goods or services, and act as your own marketing, admin, health and safety and finance departments. Having time to keep on eye on how your business is growing, and doing this effectively and efficiently, can be hard. As a result keeping on track with your targets, or being ready to take on staff or contractors, can be difficult.

If you have previously worked in the corporate world you may be used to being accountable to others and having to document a lot of what you do. These tasks are still valid for a small business, but are often overlooked and felt to be of less value.

Keeping accountable and having good processes in place can keep you on top of things and be ready for your business to grow.

Processes and Procedures

You may think your business is too small to think about processes and procedures, however documenting what you do makes it easier to train staff and contractors and review how efficiently you are working.

I support business owners who:

  • Need help putting processes and procedures in place
  • Require support to review processes and procedures from time to time required
  • Need support with time management
  • Want to make quality the centre of their company and service
Accountability - picture of a handshake

Accountability and Reviews

Reviewing how you are working can bring efficiencies for both you and your customer. And being held accountable for the actions you need to take will help your business grow.

I support business owners who:

  • Need an accountability partner to ensure that actions happen
  • Want to review their progress on a regular basis and replan where required


Whatever stage your business is at there will be legal requirements you need to comply with. As your business grows these requirements are likely to grow.

I support business owners who:

  • Need help with issues around GDPR, health and safety, employing staff etc
  • Require an IQA function as part of their external compliance